Saturday, November 29, 2008

Out of the mouths of wise men...

Every year for many years now, my daddy and step-mom have given each of their children some sort of nativity scene. I always look forward to seeing what they come up with each year. The nativities have ranged from puzzles to figurines.

Thanksgiving night, my boys and I started to get out some of the Christmas decorations. This set in particular was packed with each individual piece wrapped serarately. As I begin to set it up, I was asking will questions to see if he remembered who the pieces were.

1st there was baby Jesus and some of the animals. (I apologize for the sideways picture, but it is relevent to the story and I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn it!).

Then there is Mary and Joseph, looking down at the sweet baby Jesus. Of course my brilliant son knew who they were! (note that I am proud) :)

Then as I am putting the last pieces together, I ask "Do you know who they are?". Duh...why did I even have a doubt?

My little "wise man" replies...(as sincere as any sweet 6 year old can be)..."that's the THREE PRIZE DUDES".


Needless to say, I giggled. He got his feelings hurt because I giggled. And it all went down hill from there. The moment was gone! But I thought I'd share.

Here are some of my nativity collection...
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I love the fall season. It is amazing to me to view God's beautiful creation as I see the beautiful colors. It just makes me smile! It's not too HOT...well... it's cold today. I think a billion of my beautiful yellow leaves were blown onto the ground today. I will be sad to see them all gone and the cold moving in. So I just thought I'd take a minute to tell everyone that although I do not feel like I have anything profound to say, I do enjoy reading your blogs and keeping up with what's going on in your lives. And if you will, please keep my sister Amanda ( ) in your prayers as she is trying to bring her beautiful girl home from Guatemala. She has run into another snag in the adoption process. Hopefully it is a small snag and will be back in and then out of PGN for good! We are so close. Flor is just beautiful and I can't wait to meet her! So, if you will just remember her when you pray! Thank you all for keeping me so entertained. Love to all!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Me...myself...and I

I'm sure by now Nanny is fully disappointed in my. I has been a full week since my last blog. Today I am off of work. Today is a ME day. Boy did I need a ME day! (Of course, I am still washing clothes and sweeping floors, but it is quiet! I am watching yesterday's Y&R that I recorded on the DVR, checking emails, and reading my favorite blogs! (I also need to pay bills but I hate doing that!)
I dropped Will off this morning at school. He is so excited that he gets to walk in with the "big kids" this year. :( He had to go to the library last year with the little kindegardeners. He refuses to even give me a hug once we enter the school grounds. At least Clay will still give me some love. He is doing really well in preschool. His teacher, Ms. Tina, has 4 boys of her own (bless her heart). I think she can keep Claybug in line. (Although he IS a handful at times!) I would also like to welcome my middle sis, Stephanie (above in pic), to blogspot. You can read about what's in her head at She is an EMT and a volunteer with the Toney Fire Department (who woulda thunk it?). While I'm mentioning her, I will also mention my baby sis, Amanda (also above in pic making faces), has had a blog for a long time . I think she started blogging when she was a missionary in Guatemala. She is in the process of adopting a 3 year old Guatemalan girl named Flor. I am so proud of her. (I'm proud of you too Steph, don't be jealous).

This is one of my favorite pictures of Flor.

Flor and Paw Paw

Friday, August 1, 2008


After coming home from the beach Monday, we have had the most hectic week at work. Late days, short lunches, and sore feet is kind of how it went. On top of that we had swimming lessons, orientation at pre-school, I even fit Curves in once this week. Do you realize school starts this week? I am so not prepared!!! It seems like last month Will started kindergarten. Makes me sad. They grow up so fast! Remember to treasure every moment!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back to the real world : (

I have just spent my last day at the beach. Wow, it goes by fast! We had a great time, although I don't know if Debbie or I could take another day of "STOP DOING THAT!" and "IF I HAVE TO TELL YOU ONE MORE TIME...". We have really explored the "time-out" routine this weekend. So much for our beach pictures. (Somebody remind me to edit the "random person" out of this picture). Now we are all looking forward to the ride home (again adults out-numbered by children). We just ask for your prayers! :) Debbie has really been on me about blogging, so I am going to try to do better. I really enjoy reading all of yours. Sometimes when I sit down to do it, my mind just goes blank. Me, who usually has alot to say even if nobody cares to hear it! I will just share a few more of our pics! Enjoy!

Clay is doing an impressive jump from the side of the pool. Note that he is holding his breath. The water is about 1 foot deep right here!

Willie and Eli chillin' by the beach. A cute picture of Kaylin & Eli.

Will & Clay being so cooperative for the pictures (not!)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

In the beginning...

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. He must have had a lot of practice by the time he got to the beach because it's breathtaking! I don't get to come much, but I love it! I could just sit and look at it for days. We (William, Debbie, Will, Clay, Kaylin, Eli, and myself) are having a great time! The boys won't even look at me when I call their name because they know I'll take their pictures. I thought it was going to be raining the whole time we were here, but so far it has been beautiful!!

Ok...Did I just say it was beautiful? Willie and I just had to run out to the beach to gather up everything because it just came a storm. It was a quick storm, but a windy storm. I bet there are some of our neighbor's things blown all the way to Pensacola! It looks like it's blowing over, so we will probably drag everything back down there shortly. ( At least the beach won't be so crowded!)

I think they were taping a new episode of Baywatch at the beach today! It was total fun 'n sun!OMG!!!!! Is that David Hasselhoff?? I think he is even having a good time. Except for the occasional (did I say occasional??) spat between the kids. Did I tell you there were 4 of them (kids)...and only 3 of us (grown-ups) We are SO out-numbered! Anyway...until next to all!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bathtime with my Clay!

Last week we started swimming lessons for the boys! I was tickled at how well Will did. He has been swimming twice a week all summer at daycare.He has gotten pretty good on his own, but doesn't know how to do it "the right way". (Neither do I). He loves swimming, and even jumps off of the diving board sometimes.
On the other hand there's Clay...he seems to hate the water for the most part. He will sit on the steps at the pool, occasionally standing at the edge, but that's about it. Last week (the first night of lessons), all she did was walk around the pool holding him (she called it bonding), while he was screaming for me at the top of his lungs. He was mad at me because I was out of his sight. He thought I left him there with the strange lady in the pool. (No offense Kimberly).
This week he did much better. He told her he didn't want me to leave him there. She told him I could stay as long as he didn't cry. I stayed, he made it through with only a few whimpers, and actually he participated a little.
Last night, during bath time, with goggles AND earplugs, we practiced (a little) and played (a lot) I thought I'd share...Hope you all had a great day!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

To blog or not to blog...that is the question!


As most of you know, most of the time I am a little

I'm a little crazy.
I try to have fun whatever I'm doing!
I am a mother. I am so blessed!
Will & Clay, wow, they are growing up so fast!
I only wished kids came with an owner's manual!
Some days I really feel like I am blowing it!
I have been married for 9 years to William.
I am a nurse, I enjoy my job, though it is hard sometimes.
There is so much more to me.
I hope through our blogging we will get to know each other in ways we didn't before.
Roses are red, violets are blue,
I enjoyed my first blog!
I hope you do too!